Korean Pop Music

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Jeon Ji-hyun in Stripping Contest for Mobile Phone

Superstar Jeon Ji-hyun has set tongues wagging by competing with a male model in taking off her clothes in the commercial for the new Samsung phone. Users of the color jacket phone in the Anycall series can, as the name suggests, change the phone’s jacket to go with the outfit they are wearing, the firm said. The producers of the commercial plumbed for a stripping contest to highlight the feature. In it, Jeon takes turns stripping with the male model in front of a cheering audience, treating each item as if it was the last only to reveal another layer underneath.
Jeon had apparently found it a challenge to peel off several layers of clothing like an onion within the short 15 second spot. Though only seven types of clothing appear of the commercial, Jeon actually wore 20. Producers took pains to select the clothes, searching through Seoul’s markets every night to find clothing that would suit both Jeon’s slinky form and the phone she is selling. The clothes also had to be easy to take off in a short time. Eventually, a mixture of polyester and nylon and a special material called supplex used in the movies were chosen.
sourch : chosun.com